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ul. Dunajewskiego 8, 31-133 Kraków, Poland

bank name: Bank Pekao S.A.

SWIFT Code of bank: PKOPPLPW

account number: PL 02 1240 4722 1111 0000 4849 7314

amount to be paid: 350 Euro

Topics & Conveners

initial conditions:
T. Csörgő (KFKI, Hungary)
T. Kodama (Rio de Janeiro Univ., Brazil)

hydrodynamical evolution:
U. Heinz (Ohio State Univ., USA)
T. Hirano (Tokyo Univ., Japan)

W. Broniowski (Inst. of Nuclear Physics, Cracow, and IF AS Kielce, Poland)
B. Tomasik (Matej Bel Univ., Banska Bistrica, Slovakia, and Tech. Univ. Prague, Czech Republic)

identical particle correlations:
M. Lisa (Ohio State Univ., USA)
K. Zalewski (Jagellonian Univ., Poland)

non-identical particle correlation:
R. Lednicky (JINR Dubna, Russia)
J. Pluta (Warsaw Technical Univ., Poland)

P. Danielewicz (Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, USA)
R. Lacey (SUNY Stony Brook, USA)

event-by-event fluctuations:
H. Appelshäuser (Frankfurt Univ., Germany)
V. Koch (LBL, Berkeley, USA)

correlations, EoS, transport and other topics:
S. Pratt (Michigan State Univ., USA)
W. Zajc (Columbia University, USA)
initial conditions
hydrodynamic evolution
identical particle correlations
non-identical particle correlations
event-by-event fluctuations
correlations, EoS, transport and other topics
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