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Single- and central-diffractive production of open charm and bottom mesons at the LHC,
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Light-by-light scattering in ultraperipheral Pb-Pb collisions at energies available at the CERN Large Hadron Collider,
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Measurement of the $n+\vec{p} \to d \pi^0$ reaction with polarized beam in the region of the $d^*(2380)$ resonance,
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Exclusive diffractive production of $\pi^+ \pi^- \pi^+ \pi^ -$ via the intermediate $\sigma \sigma$ and $\rho \rho$ states in proton-proton collisions within tensor pomeron approach,
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Studying the interplay of strong and electromagnetic forces in heavy-ion collisions with NICA,
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Charm quark and meson production in association with single-jet at the LHC,
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Going beyond statistical models for fission in the Businaro-Gallone region,
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