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Publikacje - Publikacje za rok 2009
  1. N.U.H.Syed, (M. Kmiecik, K. Mazurek) et al.,
    Extraction of thermal and electromagnetic properties in 45Ti,
    Phys. Rev. C, 80 (2009) 044309;
  2. D. Abriola, (K. Zuber) et al.,
    Nuclear data sheets for A = 84,
    Nucl. Data Sheets, 110 (2009) 2815;
  3. N. Al-Dahan, (J. Grębosz) et al.,
    Isomeric states in 208Hg and 209Tl populated in fragmentation of 238U,
    Acta Phys. Pol. B, 40 (2009) 871;
  4. N. Al-Dahan, (J. Grębosz) et al.,
    Nuclear structure "southeast" of Pb-208: Isomeric states in Hg-208 and Tl-209,
    Phys. Rev. C, 80 (2009) 061302;
  5. N. Alkhomashi, (J. Grębosz) et al.,
    β-delayed and isomer spectroscopy of neutron-rich Ta and W isotopes,
    Acta Phys. Pol. B, 40 (2009) 875;
  6. N. Alkhomashi, (J. Grębosz) et al.,
    β--delayed spectroscopy of neutron-rich tantalum nuclei: Shape evolution in neutron-rich tungsten isotopes,
    Phys. Rev. C, 80 (2009) 064308;
  7. O. Arndt, (R. Broda, B. Fornal, W. Królas, T. Pawłat, J. Wrzesiński) et al.,
    Structure of neutron-rich odd-mass 127,129,131In populated in the decay of 127,129,131Cd,
    Acta Phys. Pol. B, 40 (2009) 437;
  8. J.C. Batchelder, (W. Królas), et al.,
    Collective and noncollective states in 116Cd studied via the beta decays of 116Agm1,m2,gs,
    Phys. Rev. C, 80 (2009) 054318;
  9. P. Bednarczyk, (J. Grębosz, A. Maj, M. Kmiecik, W. Męczyński, J. Styczeń) et al.,
    Gamma-ray angular distribution in Coulomb excitation experiments at intermediate energies as a signature of electromagnetic and nuclear forces in peripheral collisions,
    Acta Phys. Pol. B, 40 (2009) 853;
  10. L. Caceres, (P. Bednarczyk, J. Grębosz, M. Kmiecik, A. Maj, S. Myalski) et al.,
    Spherical proton-neutron structure of isomeric states in 128Cd,
    Phys. Rev. C, 79 (2009) 011301;
  11. M. Ciemała, (M. Kmiecik, A. Maj) et al.,
    Measurements of high-energy γ-rays with LaBr3:Ce detectors,
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. A, 608 (2009) 76;
  12. J.A. Ciżewski, (W. Królas) et al.,
    Neutron transfer reaction on neutron-rich N = 50 and N = 82 nuclei near the r-process path,
    AIP Conf. Proc., 1090 (2009) 463;
  13. J.A. Ciżewski, (W. Królas) et al.,
    Neutron transfer reactions: surrogates for neutron capture for basic and applied nuclear science,
    AIP Conf. Proc., 1099 (2009) 724;
  14. A. Corsi, (M. Brekiesz, M. Kmiecik, A. Maj) et al.,
    Dynamical dipole as a probe of isospin dynamics,
    Acta Phys. Pol. B, 40 (2009) 581;
  15. A. Corsi, (M. Brekiesz, M. Kmiecik, A. Maj) et al.,
    Excitation of the dynamical dipole in the charge asymmetric reaction O-16+Sn-116 ,
    Phys. Lett. B, 679 (2009) 197;
  16. H.L. Crawford, (R. Broda, B. Fornal), et al.,
    β decay studies of neutron-rich nuclei near 52Ca,
    Acta Phys. Pol. B, 40 (2009) 481;
  17. H.L. Crawford, (R. Broda, B. Fornal) et al.,
    Low-energy structure of Mn-61 populated following beta decay of Cr-61,
    Phys. Rev. C, 79 (2009) 054320;
  18. A.M. Denis Bacelar, (J. Grębosz) et al.,
    Angular momentum population in fragmentation reactions,
    Acta Phys. Pol. B, 40 (2009) 889;
  19. Q.T. Doan, (K. Mazurek, A. Maj, K. Zuber, P. Bednarczyk) et al.,
    Search for fingerprints of tetrahedral symmetry in 156Gd,
    Acta Phys. Pol. B, 40 (2009) 725;
  20. J. Dudek, K. Mazurek, D. Curien, A. Dobrowolski, A. Góźdź, D. Hartley, A. Maj, L. Riedinger, N. Schunck,
    Theory of nuclear stability using point GROUP symmetries: outline and illustrations,
    Acta Phys. Pol. B, 40 (2009) 713;
  21. G.F. Farrelly, (P. Bednarczyk, J. Grębosz, M. Kmiecik, A. Maj, S. Myalski) et al.,
    Revision of the K-isomer in 190W116,
    Acta Phys. Pol. B, 40 (2009) 885;
  22. B. Fornal, W. Królas, M. Kmiecik,
    XLIII Zakopane Conference on Nuclear Physics Trends in Nuclear Physics Zakopane, Poland, Septemper 1-7, 2008, Preface,
    Acta Phys. Pol. B, 40 (2009) U7;
  23. A.B. Garnsworthy, (A. Maj, S. Myalsky) et al.,
    Isomeric states in neutron-deficient A ~ 80–90 nuclei populated in the fragmentation of 1071Ag,
    Phys. Rev. C, 80 (2009) 064303;
  24. M. Górska, (P. Bednarczyk, J. Grębosz, M. Kmiecik, A. Maj, S. Myalski) et al.,
    Evolution of the N=82 shell gap below Sn-132 inferred from core excited states in In-131,
    Phys. Lett. B, 672 (2009) 313;
  25. C.J. Gross, (W. Królas) et al.,
    Decay spectroscopy of 75-79Cu, 79-81Zn and 83-85Ga,
    Acta Phys. Pol. B, 40 (2009) 447;
  26. S.V. Ilyushkin, (W. Królas), et al.,
    β decay of the πf5/2 ground state of 77Cu studied with 225 MeV and 0.2 MeV purified radioactive beams,
    Phys. Rev. C, 80 (2009) 054304;
  27. K.J. Jones, (W. Królas) et al.,
    Studies of nuclei close to 132Sn using single-neutron transfer reactions,
    AIP Conf. Proc., 1098 (2009) 153;
  28. K. Kasiński, R. Szczygieł, A. Czermak,
    Test results of a self-triggering silicon strip detector readout chip,
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. A, 607 (2009) 244;
  29. W. Królas, R. Broda, B. Fornal, T. Pawłat, J. Wrzesiński,
    Heavy ion deep-inelastic collisions studied by discrete gamma-ray spectroscopy,
    AIP Conf. Proc., 1098 (2009) 96-101;
  30. S. Leoni, (P. Bednarczyk, M. Kmiecik, A. Maj, W. Męczyński, J. Styczeń, M. Ziębliński, K. Zuber) et al.,
    Warm nuclei: nuclear structure effects on the order-to-chaos transition region,
    Acta Phys. Pol. B, 40 (2009) 555;
  31. S. Leoni, (P. Bednarczyk, M. Kmiecik, A. Maj, W. Męczyński, J. Styczeń, M. Ziębliński, K. Zuber) et al.,
    Rotation and shape changes in 151Tb and 196Pb: Probes of nuclear structure and tunneling process in warm nuclei. I. Experimental analysis,
    Phys. Rev. C, 79 (2009) 064306;
  32. S. Leoni, (P. Bednarczyk, M. Kmiecik, A. Maj, W. Męczyński, J. Styczeń, M. Ziębliński, K. Zuber) et al.,
    Rotation and shape changes in 151Tb and 196Pb: Probes of nuclear structure and tunneling process in warm nuclei. II. Microscopic Monte Carlo simulation,
    Phys. Rev. C, 79 (2009) 064307;
  33. M. Matejska, (B. Fornal, R. Broda, W. Królas, K. Mazurek, T. Pawłat, J. Wrzesiński) et al.,
    Yrast structure of 97Zr and β decay of the 27/2- high-spin isomer in 97Y,
    Phys. Rev. C, 80 (2009) 017302;
  34. M. Matejska, B. Fornal, R. Broda, W. Królas, K. Mazurek, T. Pawłat, J. Wrzesiński, M.P. Carpenter, R.V.F. Janssens, S. Zhu,
    Yrast structure of 97Zr,
    Acta Phys. Pol. B, 40 (2009) 633;
  35. K. Mazurek, J. Dudek, A. Góźdź, D. Curien, M. Kmiecik, A. Maj,
    New nuclear stability islands of octahedral and tetrahedral shapes,
    Acta Phys. Pol. B, 40 (2009) 731;
  36. D. Mengoni, (R. Broda, W. Królas, T. Pawłat, J. Wrzesiński) et al.,
    Lifetime measurements of excited states in neutron-rich nuclei around 48Ca,
    Acta Phys. Pol. B, 40 (2009) 485;
  37. W. Męczyński,
    Exotic nuclear shapes in spectroscopic measurements (in Polish),
    Abstr. of the 40th General Meet. of Polish Physicists, Kraków, Poland, 6-11 September 2009, p. 140;
  38. W. Męczyński, (P. Bednarczyk, A. Maj, B. Sowicki, J. Styczeń, M. Ziębliński) et al.,
    In-beam test of the recoil filter detector coupled to the GASP γ-ray spectrometer,
    INFN-LNL 226 (2009) 54; LNL Ann. Rep. 2008;
  39. W. Męczyński, A. Sobiczewski,
    Super heavy elements (in Polish),
    Report on the Int. Symp. on Super heavy Element Research - Prospects for the Next Decade, Kraków, Poland, 18-20 December 2008, in: Postępy Fizyki, 60 (2009) 66;
  40. D. Montanari, (M. Kmiecik, A. Maj, W. Męczyński) et al.,
    Population of neutron-rich nuclei around 48Ca with deep inelastic collisions,
    Acta Phys. Pol. B, 40 (2009) 585;
  41. A.I. Morales, (J. Grębosz) et al.,
    β-delayed γ-ray spectroscopy of heavy neutron rich nuclei "south" of lead,
    Acta Phys. Pol. B, 40 (2009) 867;
  42. S. Myalski, (A. Maj, P. Bednarczyk, J. Grębosz, M. Kmiecik) et al.,
    Isomeric ratios for nuclei with Z=62–67 and A=142–152 produced in the relativistic fragmentation of 208Pb,
    Acta Phys. Pol. B, 40 (2009) 879;
  43. PARIS Collab., A. Maj, (P. Bednarczyk, M. Chełstowska, M. Ciemała, B. Fornal, M. Kmiecik, K. Mazurek, W. Męczyński, S. Myalski, M. Ziębliński) et al.,
    The Paris Project,
    Acta Phys. Pol. B, 40 (2009) 565;
  44. D. Pauwels, (R. Broda, B. Fornal, W. Królas, T. Pawłat, J. Wrzesiński) et al.,
    Structure of 65,67Co studied through the β decay of 65,67Fe and a deep-inelastic reaction,
    Phys. Rev. C, 79 (2009) 044309;
  45. T. Pawłat, R. Broda, B. Fornal, W. Królas, J. Wrzesiński, R.V.F. Janssens, S. Zhu, M.P. Carpenter, W.B. Walters, N. Hoteling,
    Experimental study of neutron-rich nuclei 89Rb and 91Rb,
    Acta Phys. Pol. B, 40 (2009) 629;
  46. Z. Podolyak, (P. Bednarczyk, J. Grębosz, M. Kmiecik, A. Maj, S. Myalski) et al.,
    Structure of neutron-rich nuclei around the N = 126 closed shell; the yrast structure of 205Au126 up to spin-parity = (19/2+),
    Eur. Phys. J. A, 42 (2009) 489;
  47. Z. Podolyak, (P. Bednarczyk, J. Grębosz, M. Kmiecik, A. Maj, S. Myalski) et al.,
    Weakly deformed oblate structures in Os-198(76)122,
    Phys. Rev. C, 79 (2009) 031305;
  48. Z. Podolyak, (J. Grębosz) et al.,
    Proton-hole excitation in the closed shell nucleus Au-205,
    Phys. Lett. B, 672 (2009) 116;
  49. F. Recchia, (P. Bednarczyk) et al.,
    Position resolution of the prototype AGATA triple-cluster detector from an in-beam experiment,
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. A, 604 (2009) 555;
  50. S.J. Steer, (P. Bednarczyk, J. Grębosz, M. Kmiecik, A. Maj, S. Myalski) et al.,
    Isomeric decay studies in neutron-rich N approximate to 126 nuclei,
    Int. J. Mod. Phys. E, 18 (2009) 1002;
  51. S.J. Steer, (P. Bednarczyk, J. Grębosz, M. Kmiecik, A. Maj, S. Myalski) et al.,
    Single-particle behavior at N=126: Isomeric decays in neutron-rich Pt-204,
    Phys. Rev. C, 78 (2009) 061302;
  52. I. Stefanescu, (R. Broda, B. Fornal, W. Królas, T. Pawłat, J. Wrzesiński) et al.,
    Levels above the 19/2- isomer in 71Cu: Persistence of the N=40 neutron shell gap,
    Phys. Rev. C, 79 (2009) 034319;
  53. I. Stefanescu, (R. Broda, B. Fornal, W. Królas, T. Pawłat, J. Wrzesiński) et al.,
    Identification of the g9/2-proton bands in the neutron-rich 71,73,75,77Ga nuclei,
    Phys. Rev. C, 79 (2009) 064302;
  54. J. Swakoń, D. Adamczyk, T. Cywicka-Jakiel, J. Dąbrowska, B. Dulny, L. Grzanka, T. Horwacik, B. Michalec, T. Nowak, M. Ptaszkiewicz, U. Sowa, L. Stolarczyk, M. Waligórski,
    Proton Radiotherapy of eye cancer at AIC - 144 Cyclotron (in Polish),
    Abstr. of the 40th General Meet. of Polish Physicists, Kraków, Poland, 6-11 September 2009, p. 85;
  55. J.J. Valiente-Dobon, (R. Broda, W. Królas, T. Pawłat, J. Wrzesiński) et al.,
    Lifetime measurements of the neutron-rich N=30 isotones 50Ca and 51Sc: orbital dependence of effective charges in the fp shell,
    Phys. Rev. Lett., 102 (2009) 242502; ; publ. note in: Phys. Rev. Lett., 103 (2009) 059903;
  56. R. Wadsworth, (J. Grębosz) et al.,
    The northwest frontier: Spectroscopy of N ~ Z nuclei below mass 100,
    Acta Phys. Pol. B, 40 (2009) 611;
  57. O. Wieland, (A. Maj, P. Bednarczyk, J. Grębosz, M. Kmiecik, W. Męczyński, J. Styczeń) et al.,
    Search for the Pygmy Dipole Resonance in 68Ni at 600 MeV/nucleon,
    Phys. Rev. Lett., 102 (2009) 092502;
  58. J.A. Winger, (W. Królas) et al.,
    Large β-delayed neutron emission probabilities in the 78Ni region,
    Phys. Rev. Lett., 102 (2009) 142502;
  59. S. Zhu, (B. Fornal, R. Broda) et al.,
    High-lying, non-yrast shell structure in Ti-52,
    Phys. Rev. C, 80 (2009) 024318;


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