2008 articles
J.Zemła, M.Lekka, J.Wiltowska-Zuber, A.Budkowski, J.Rysz, J.Raczkowska –Integral geometry analysis of fluorescence micrographs for quantitative relative comparison of protein adsorption onto polymer surfaces, Langmuir, 24 (2008) 10253-10258. IF =4.489;
S.Szarska, B.Brudnik, M.Lekka – The effect of the size of the substrate grain made of submicrocrystalline sintered corundum on the bioglass composite structure and certain physico-mechanical properties of the bioglass – Optica Applicata 38 (2008) 251-258. IF =0.558;
M.Lekka, J.Wiltowska-Zuber – Biomedical applications of AFM – Journal of Physics: Conference Series 146 (2009) art. No 012023 (11 pages).
M.Fornal, R.A.Korbut, M.Lekka, G.Pyka−Fościak, B.Wizner, J.Styczeń, T.Grodzicki − Rheological properties of erythrocytes in patients with high risk of cardiovascular disease − Clin. Hemorheol. Microcirculation, 39 (2008) 213-219. IF =2.028;
A.Dąbrowska, K.Lebed, A.J.Kulik, L. Forró, M.Lekka − The increase in protein unfolding contour length depends on mechanical unfolding conditions – Acta Phys. Pol. A 113 (2008) 753-762. IF =0.511;
M.Winiarska, J.Bil, E.Wilczek, G.M.Wilczyński, M.Lekka, P.J.Engelberts, W.M. Mackus, E.Górska, L.Bojarski, T.Stoklosa, D.Nowis, Z.Kurzaj, M.Makowski, E.Głodkowska, T.Issat, P.Mrówka, W.Lasek, A.Dąbrowska-Iwanicka, G.W.Basak, M.Wąsik, K.Warzocha, M.Sinski, Z.Gaciong, M.Jakóbisiak, P.W.H.I. Parren, J.Gołąb – Statins impair antitumor effects of rituximab by inducing conformational changes of CD20 – PloS Medicine, 5 (2008) e64, 0502-0517. IF =17.945