Department of Radiation Transport Physics NZ61

Prof. Czubek Laboratory of Neutron Sources

Plasma Focus PF-24

Plasma-Focus belongs to the class of research devices in which plasma (e.g. deuterium) is formed as a result of an electric discharge. The magnetic field of the plasma's own current of several dozen kiloamps leads to plasma compression, which causes a nuclear reaction between deuterium nuclei, and thus neutron emission.

Two images of PF system with the initial and final stage of plasma discharge

Plasma-Focus is a convenient laboratory device that allows to study physical phenomena occurring in high-temperature plasma produced from light monoatomic gases or doped with other components.

Laboratorium PF-24 w IFJ PAN

Details: Marek Scholz, Agnieszka Kulińska, The Plasma-Focus device at IFJ PAN Kraków. Status and Perspectives. IFJ PAN Report no 2104/AP, 2020

Equivalent electrical circuit for discharge in the Plasma-Focus

  • Tomographic 2D and 3D plasma imaging in the magnetic field
  • Method of reconstruction of the plasma focus
  • Investigation of advanced fusion reactions in plasma with fast ions, associated with neutron emission or with lack of neutron emission
  • Investigation of the emission of fast electrons and ions from the plasma focus
  • Testing of advanced plasma diagnostic methods

An example of the distribution of the neutron flux along the plasma focus axis during the fusion of deuterium ions registered by a neutron pinhole camera. Monte-Carlo modeling.

An example of recording X-ray and neutron radiation as a function of time for PF-24 discharge using 3 pcs of scintillation detectors. The delay between the X-ray and neutron peaks is 42 ns.

Four Frame Camera in Soft X-ray. 4-frame fast imaging system in the regime of VUV / SXR, HS-4F-SXRC (design and construction ACS, Warsaw). The ability to display 4 images during 1.2 ns with a delay of 4.7 ns (adjustable). Magnification: 2x. Spatial resolution: 230 m

An example of imaging: discharge in PF-24 recorded with the Four Frame Camera. XUV frames - exposure time 1 ns

A photo of PF system. Experimental chamber, conders bank, cables and diagnostic systems visible.

Technical parameters of the PF-24 current generator 

PF-24 Main elements

photo of a fragment of capacitor bank
a photo of dthe ischarge chamber with the electrodes

Discharge chamber with the electrodes


A fragment of capacitor bank

Research objectives and tasks for PF-24

Electrical diagnostics of PF discharge

Plots of 1 total current flowing through the collector 2 derivative after time of total current and during 3 collector voltage, all as a function of time

Pomiar emisji neutronów i promieniowania X

Neutron and X-ray diagnostics

A photo of neutron pinhole camera. Big cylindrical block of poliethylene visible.

Neutron pinhole camera based on BCF-12 miniature scintillation detectors (Saint Gobain). Time resolution: 5ns, spatial resolution: 5mm.

A photo of small scintillation detector coupled to PMT via optical fibre

Main elements of the PF-24 neutron pinhole camera: BCF-12 scintillation detector coupled to PMT (Hamamatsu) via 25m long optical fibre

A plot of the distribution of the neutron flux along the plasma focus axis during the fusion of deuterium ions registered by a neutron pinhole camera
Plots of X-ray and neutron  radiation respose of the detectors as a function of time for a PF-24 discharge.
A photo of the four-frame Camera in soft X-ray energy range.
An image of a discharge in PF-24 recorded with the four-frame Camera.

Institute of Nuclear Physics 

Polish Academy of Sciences

ul. Radzikowskiego 152

31-342 Kraków, Polska

Department of Radiation Transport Physics




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