The scope of work supervised by DAI engineers:
Agreement signed between IFJ PAN and European Spallation Source (ESS) foresees involvement of our staff in assembly and start-up of ESS. Main areas of our activity are:
- assembly of Radio Frequency Distribution System (RFDS) from a source to the receiving units (AIK 8.6);
- assembly and commissioning of high power supplies for sources of RF (AIK 17.3);
- preparation of cryomodules (accelerating components of the accelerator) for tests and transport to the accelerator tunnel (AIK 10.1).
According to the current schedule IFJ PAN involvement spans the years 2018 to 2022. The size of our team will be of the order of 20 to 30 people, engineers and technicians from our Institute.
Beside main areas of our activities, it is foreseen that our team will take influential part in preparation of many test/assembly procedures.
Project management at IFJ PAN:
General Coordinator: Dariusz Bocian
Technical Coordinator: Jacek Świerblewski
Work Unit Coordinator for Test Stand: Michał Sienkiewicz
Work Unit Coordinator for RF&PC Installation: Leszek Hajduk
Deputy Work Unit Coordinator for RF&PC Installation: Krzysztof Myalski
Project timeline
The IFJ PAN team did the following works within the frame of the agreed areas:
AIK 8.6
- participation in preparation of the work schedules and their modifications,
- participation in elaboration of methods and procedures of RF waveguides installation,
- participation in the trial installation of the waveguides mockups in the stub number 120,
- developing a procedure with accompanying documents (e.g. risk analysis) and rules for assembling the support structure for a high frequency distribution system
- preparation and self-assembly of a full supporting structure for cell No. 120,
- developing, in cooperation with the ESS Quality Control Department, complete initial inspection procedures for incoming components
AIK 10.1
- participation in the installation of standard test bench components
AIK 8.6
- participation in the work of teams optimizing the installation work of ESS accelerator components;
- constant cooperation with the ESS Quality Control Department in creating qualification control procedures for incoming components for RF DS;
- assembly of 16 load-bearing structures for the high-frequency power distribution system (weight of all elements ~ 100 tons);
- participation in the development of the concept and procedure for the assembly of waveguides in the ESS accelerator gallery;
- start of installation of waveguides in STUB No. 130 (first assembly of a technically complex installation, preceded by a long preparatory period);
- commencement and completion of the assembly of the horizontal parts of the waveguides with elements of RF devices (circulators and loads) in the cells 120 -140;
- performing qualification control about 1100 pieces of waveguides delivered to ESS for the high-frequency power distribution system;,
AIK 10.1
- participation in installation of the ESS cryomodule test stand standard components,
- participation in tests of cryomodule handling equipment,
AIK 8.6
- assembly of a high frequency distribution system (RF DS), i.e. waveguides filling STUBs;
- iinstallation of the first LLRF and LPS modules, i.e. cassettes with electronics placed in dedicated racks;
- rassembly of a high frequency distribution system (RF DS), i.e. waveguides in a tunnel;
- developing, in cooperation with the ESS RF Department, a procedure for measuring and tuning complete waveguide lines;
AIK 10.1
- works related to the commissioning of the cryomodule testing stand;
AIK 17.3
- preparatory work and first installations of power converters.
- D. Bocian, W. Gaj, E. Górnicki, L. Hajduk, P. Halczyński, K. Kasprzak, K. Myalski, T. Ostrowicz, M. Sienkiewicz, M. Skiba, J. Świerblewski, IFJ PAN contribution to the ESS: radio frequency distribution system, power converters installation, and cryomodule tests,, Proc. SPIE, 11054 (2019) 110540A, doi: 10.1117/12.2525221, Tekst pracy: https://www.spiedigitallibrary.org/conference-proceedings-of-spie/11054/110540A/IFJ-PAN-contribution-to-the-ESS–radio-frequency-distribution/10.1117/12.2525221.short;
- J.Świerblewski, ESS system and power converters installation-cryomodule test, Book of Abstr. of the Superconductivity & Particle AcceleratorS, 27-29 Nov. 2018, Cracow, Poland, 2019, p. 50,tekst pracy: https://indico.ifj.edu.pl/event/214/attachments/1026/1545/SPAS_2018_-_Abstract_Book.pdf; Open access: OTHER;
- D. Bocian, W. Zając, O najsilniejszym na świecie impulsowym źródle neutronów – cząstek obojętnych elektrycznie, Academia, 3 (2020) 66-71, doi: 10.24425/academiaPAN.2020.134891, tekst pracy: http://journals.pan.pl/dlibra/publication/134891/edition/117907/content;