
The scope of work carried out under the guidance of the DAI employees

Scheduled pause (Long Shutdown 2 – LS2) in operation of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) was planned for years 2018 – 2021. Cooperation agreement for the time of LS2, between CERN and HNINP PAS, was signed in 2017. As a part of this agreement, together with subsequent annexes, the HNINP PAS undertook to:

  • Assembly four measurement systems for the DLM tests
  • Perform a continuity and an insulation tests of the superconducting circuits of the LHC at room temperature and at 1.9K before beginning and after ending of a DISMAC Project (Diode Insulation and Superconducting Magnets Consolidation) – the TP4, MIC and DOC tests
  • Live monitoring of the LHC superconducting wires insulation during their warming-up and cooling-down
  • Perform measurements of a quality of current leads connections of the bypass diodes in the LHC superconducting dipole magnets during DISMAC – the DLM test
  • Monitoring of the main LHC superconducting dipole circuits insulation during DISMAC (the PAQ test)
  • Perform the continuity and the insulation tests of the superconducting circuits of the LHC during exchange of the LHC superconducting magnets (the AIV and HVQN tests)

Project management at DAI

J.Ludwin, P.Jurkiewicz

Project timeline

October – December 2018
Assembly of the DLM systems

December 2018 – March 2019
The TP4, MIC and DOC tests at 1.9K before DISMAC

January – March 2019
Live monitoring of the LHC superconducting wires insulation during warming-up

March – May 2019
The TP4, MIC and DOC tests at room temperature before DISMAC

May 2019 – June 2020
The DLM, PAQ and the AIV tests

June – September 2020
Scheduled TP4, MIC and DOC tests at room temperature after DISMAC

July – October 2020
Scheduled live monitoring of the LHC superconducting wires insulation during cool-down

August – December 2020
Scheduled TP4, MIC and DOC tests at 1.9K after DISMAC


2019 – 2021