We take part in the largest scientific experiments in the world and we collaborate with the most prominent foreign and domestic research institutions.
Guided by a mutual purpose, the IFJ PAN employees:
That is why our needs are limited not only to physicists and engineers – if you are a student, standing at the threshold of your career, or already a professional, independently of your area of specialization, IFJ PAN may be your chance for professional development! Here we form international research groups – the walls of our institute have seen citizens of 27 countries. At our institute both seniors and graduates work in unison.
It is here that we build a common world!
If you are interested in scientific work in a renowned international team and wish to actively participate in research activities, before making up your mind about your career path, come and visit us, see a day in the life of a researcher, talk and find out yourself!
We cordially invite you to check our training programs, thesis topics (undergraduate, graduate and doctoral degrees), and job offers (research and non-research positions). You can also come and see our laboratories, visit us within the Open Day, Malopolska Researchers' Night or just talk to our employees.