Disciplinary Committee

The Disciplinary Committee at the Henryk Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences acts pursuant to the Act on the Polish Academy of Sciences and the IFJ PAN Statute.

The Committee issues opinions in cases regarding disciplinary responsibility for blatant violation of employee duties or failure to uphold the dignity of a research worker. The Committee constitutes the first instance delivering judgement in disciplinary matters of scientific and research and technical workers, before the cases are referred to the second instance – the disciplinary committee for scientific and research and technical workers of the scientific units at the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

The Disciplinary Committee adjudicates independently on all factual and legal matters and is not bound by the decisions of other law applying bodies, with the exception of a final and binding sentence issued by a court or an opinion of the science ethics commission.

Composition of the Disciplinary Committee at IFJ PAN

Term of office 2023-2027

Elections to the IFJ PAN Disciplinary Committee for 2023-2027

Act on the Polish Academy of Sciences – provisions pertaining to the disciplinary committee

Art. 107. Scientific and research and technical workers employed by the scientific units of the Academy shall bear disciplinary responsibility for blatant violation of duties or failure to uphold the dignity of a research worker.
Art. 190.2. A scientific or research and technical worker penalized with a reprimand by the Director may appeal to the disciplinary committee against the penalty. The appeal shall be lodged within 14 days of the date of delivery of the decision.
Art. 110.1. The following bodies adjudicate on disciplinary matters of scientific and research and technical workers:
1) in the first instance – a disciplinary committee in a scientific unit composed of three members;
2) in the second instance – the disciplinary committee for scientific and research and technical workers of the scientific units at the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences composed of three members.
Art. 111.1. The disciplinary committee referred to in Art. 110 (1) (1) is selected by way of election. The procedure for electing the committee members is defined by the statute of a given scientific unit of the Academy.
3. The disciplinary committees referred to in Art. 110 (1) are judicially independent.
4. The disciplinary committee adjudicates independently on all factual and legal matters and is not bound by the decisions of other law applying bodies, with the exception of a final and binding sentence issued by a court or an opinion of the science ethics commission referred to in Art. 39.
5. In the cases of disciplinary violations that simultaneously constitute a violation of the principles of research ethics, in particular those specified in Art. 112 (3) (1-4), the disciplinary committee may request an opinion of the science ethics commission referred to in Art. 39. The disciplinary committee is bound by the opinion of the science ethics commission in determining the content of the violation.
6. Decisions of the adjudication panel shall be taken by simple majority.
7. The term of office of the disciplinary committee referred to in Art. 110 (1) (1) is 4 years.
Art. 112.1. A disciplinary procedure is initiated by the disciplinary committee at the request of the disciplinary spokesperson.

Statute of the Henryk Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN – provisions pertaining to the disciplinary committee

1. The Disciplinary Committee is selected by way of general elections within the group of scientific and research and technical workers.
2. The chairperson of the Committee shall be a person employed in the position of full professor at the Institute.
3. The election procedure for the Disciplinary Committee is specified in the election rules constituting an integral part of the Statute.

IFJ PAN Disciplinary Committee election rules

Elections to the IFJ PAN Disciplinary Committee for 2019-2023

Elections to the IFJ PAN Disciplinary Committee for 2015-2019