The great success of Professor Urszula Woźnicka

Prof. Urszula Woźnicka

We announce with great joy and pride that Professor Urszula Woźnicka from The Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences has been selected and appointed as a Chairman of the Governing Board of the organization preparing the technical project of construction a neutron source DONES in Europe. It will be a unique center of materials research for fusion energy in the world (Project: Early Neutron Source, ENS). This is another, after Prof. Agnieszka Zalewska, a Great Professor from our Institute in charge of world-class research project. Congratulations!

Polish involvement in the ENS project was confirmed in the official statement of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education on the intention to initiate talks on the construction of European research infrastructure DONES in Poland. Scientific and Industrial Consortium ELAMAT Podkarpackie, created on the initiative of the Marshal of the Podkarpackie province and directed by Rzeszów University of Technology, presented a draft DONES source location near Rzeszów.

Scientific institutions from 11 European countries participate in the ENS project execution, including Polish: IFJ PAN, IPPLM, NCBJ and the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering of Warsaw University of Technology.

It is worth recalling that other employees of our Institute also perform important functions in this endeavor - Prof. Adam Maj is a Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the Consortium ELAMAT Podkarpackie and Dr Wojciech Królas is a deputy manager of the ENS project.