The opening ceremony of The Bronowice Cyclotron Centre was held on 15th October 2015 in the Henryk Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences in Kraków.
The ceremony finalized the severalyears’ process of construction and launch of the first in Poland and one of the state-of-the-art proton therapy centres in the world. The Proteus C-235 cyclotron, installed in the centre, is a versatile tool for scientists and physicians.
Already since 2013 the physicists, engineers and radiobilogists have been using the proton beams, produced by the cyclotron, to study the properties of matter and the sensitivity of biological materials to radiation as well as to test the electronic equipment before spaceflights.
Currently, the two treatment facilities called “gantry” have been put into operation. They are going to be used by physicians to irradiate cancerous tumours from January 2016. Both facilities are equipped with the most modern beam scanning system, enabling very precise irradiation of a treated volume while sparing surrounding healthy tissue from damage. Thanks to that, patients from all around Poland will be provided with access to the treatment available in only a few most developed countries in the world.
11:00 - 12:00 - IFJ PAN main lecture hall
12:00 - 12:40 - The Bronowice Cyclotron Centre building
The Bronowice Cyclotron Centre (in Polish)
The proton radiotherapy - precision in radiation oncology (in Polish)
Accelerated protons and atomic nuclei secrets (in Polish)
Photo gallery from the celebration