The Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences has been placed in the forefront of Polish institutions on the list of the worldwide ranking of universities and selected scientific institutions – the Center for World University Ranking 2023 (CWUR 2023), announced on May 15 this year.
IFJ PAN has been ranked as 670th, which gives us the fourth position among the Polish institutions, and the first place among the Polish research institutes.
The results for the first five Polish scientific units according to the CWUR 2023 ranking are as follows:
The CWUR ranking is based on the following criteria: academic successes of alumni and faculty members in international competitions, the number of alumni holding top positions at global companies, the number of research papers published in prestigious scientific journals, impact factor, Hirsch index for the whole institution and the number of international patents.
The ranking included over 2000 higher education institutions from all over the world selected from among more than 20 500 ranked units.