- A.Kubiak, T.Zielinski, J.Pabijan, M.Lekka – Nanomechanics in Monitoring the Effectiveness of Drugs Targeting the Cancer Cell Cytoskeleton – International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (2020) 8786;
- I.H.Oevreeide, R.Szydlak, M.Luty, H.Ahmed, V.Prot, B.H.Skallerud, J.Zemła, M.Lekka, B.T.Stokke – On the Determination of Mechanical Properties of Aqueous Microgels-Towards High-Throughput Characterization – Gels 7 (2021) 64;
- R.Szydlak, I.H. Øvreeide, M.Luty, T.Zieliński, V.E.Prot, J.Zemła, B.T.Stokke, M.Lekka – Bladder cancer cells interaction with lectin-coated surfaces under static and flow conditions – International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (2023) 8213,
- J.Zemła, R.Szydlak, K.Gajos, Ł.Kozłowski, T.Zieliński, M.Luty, I.H.Øvreeide, V.E.Prot, B.T.Stokke, M.Lekka – Plasma treatment of PDMS for microcontact printing (µCP) of lectins decreases silicone transfer and increases the adhesion of bladder cancer cells – ACS Materials and Interfaces 15 (2023) 51863-51875,
- R.Szydlak, M.Luty, V.E.Prot, I.H.Øvreeide, J.Zemła, B.T.Stokke, M.Lekka – Detecting normal and cancer skin cells via glycosylation and adhesion signatures: A path to enhanced microfluidic phenotyping – Biosensors & Bioelectronics 258 (2024) 116337,
Conference contributions:
13th European Biophysics Conference (EBSA), Vienna (Austria), 24-28 July 2021:
- Małgorzata Lekka (invited presentation in the session on mechanobiology),
- Renata Szydlak, Marcin Luty, Ingrid Haga Øvreeide, Vladimir Rosenov, Victorien Prot, Joanna Zemła, Bjørn Torger Stokke, Małgorzata Lekka (poster), Microfluidic device for sorting and identification of mechanically altered cells
- Joanna Zemla, Claude Verdier, Malgorzata Lekka (poster), Viscoelastic properties of cancerous and non-malignant bladder cells treated with microtubules targeting chemotherapeutic- microtubules and actin crosstalk?
Nanoengineering for Mechanobiology (N4M) symposium, Camogli (Italy), 27-30 March 2022
- Marcin Luty, Joanna Zemła, Renata Szydlak, Tomasz Zieliński, Ingrid Haga Øvreeide, Vincent Prot, Bjørn Torger Stokke, Malgorzata Lekka (poster), The impact of biomechanical properties and glycosylation pattern on bladder cancer invasiveness
- Ingrid Haga Øvreeide, Renata Szydlak, Joanna Zemła, Marcin Luty, Tomasz Zielinski, Victorien Prot, Małgorzata Lekka, Bjørn Torger Stokke (poster), Fabrication of microfluidic devices for adhesion and high-throughput mechanoprofiling of cancer cells and alginate microgels
- Renata Szydlak, Joanna Zemła, Marcin Luty, Ingrid Haga Øvreeide, Tomasz Zieliński, Victorien Prot, Bjørn Torger Stokke, Małgorzata Lekka (poster), Investigation of interaction between bladder cancer cells and lectins by AFM-based single-cell force spectroscopy
- Joanna Zemła, Katarzyna Gajos, Ingrid Haga Øvreeide, Renata Szydlak, Marcin Luty, Vincent Prot, Bjorn Torger Stokke, Małgorzata Lekka (poster), Optimization of lectin patterns for selective cancer cells capturing
AFM BioMed Conference, Nagoya-Osaka (Japan), 30.08-2.09.2022
- Marcin Luty, Renata Szydlak, Tomasz Zieliński, Joanna Pabijan, Kajangi Gnanachandran, Joanna Zemła, Ingrid Haga Øvreeide, Victorien Emile Prot, Bjørn Torger Stokke, Malgorzata Lekka (oral presentation), Application of AFM and Single Cell Force Spectroscopy in analyzing the invasive potential of bladder cancer cells
- Renata Szydlak, Marcin Luty, Ingrid Haga Oevreeide, Tomasz Zieliński, Joanna Zemła, Victorien Emile Prot, Bjorn Torger Stokke, Malgorzata Lekka (oral presentation), Bladder cancer adhesion to lectin-coated surfaces
German Biophysical Society, Konstanz (Germany), 25-28.09.2022
- Małgorzata Lekka (oral presentation), Understanding a link between the biomechanics and invasiveness of bladder cancer cells
XI Seminarium Badania prowadzone metodami skaningowej mikroskopii bliskich oddziaływań STM/AFM 2022, Zakopane (Poland), 30.11-4.12.2022
- Joanna Zemła, Ingrid Haga Oevreeide, Renata Szydlak, Marcin Luty, Victorien Emile Prot, Bjorn Torger Stokke, Malgorzata Lekka (oral presentation), Rheological properties of suspended melanoma cells under compression and oscillatory shear
Nordic Nanolab User Meeting 2022; Gothenborg (Sweden), 05-06.05.2022
- Ingrid Haga Oevreeide, Renata Szydlak, Joanna Zemła, Marcin Luty, Tomasz Zieliński, Victorien Emile Prot, Malgorzata Lekka, Bjorn Torger Stokke (poster presentation), Microfluidic devices for alginate microgel and cancer cell analysis
The 1st TNNN Conference & Norwegian Nano Symposium 2022; Trondheim (Norway), 30.11 – 02.12.2022
- Ingrid Haga Oevreeide, Renata Szydlak, Joanna Zemła, Marcin Luty, Victorien Emile Prot, Malgorzata Lekka, Bjorn Torger Stokke (poster presentation), Microfluidic devices for adhesion and high-throughput mechanoprofiling of cancer cells and microgels
14th European Biophysics Conference (EBSA), 31.07-4.08.2024, Stockholm, Sweden
- Renata Szydlak, Marcin Luty, Ingrid Haga Oevreeide, Vincent Emile Prot, Joanna Zemła, Bjorn Torger Stokke, Małgorzata Lekka (poster presentation), Adhesive and biomechanical properties of skin cells under static and flow conditions
XIXth International Congress on Rheology (ICR2023), 29.07-4.08.23, Athens, Greece
- Joanna Zemła, Ingrid Haga Oevreeide, Renata Szydlak, Marcin Luty, Victorien Emile Prot, Bjorn Torger Stokke, Małgorzxata Lekka (poster presentation), Rheological properties of suspended like melanoma cells under compression and oscillatory shear
Physics of living systems: From physical principles to biological function, 03–07.07.2023, Dresden, Germany
- Marcin Luty, Renata Szydlak, Joanna Pabijan, Joanna Zemła, Ingrid Haga Oevreeide, Victorien Emilie Prot, Bjorn Torger Stokke, Małgorzata Lekka, Bartłomiej Zapotoczny (poster presentation), The effect of colchicine and ROCK inhibitor on melanoma cells invasive potential and biomechanical properties
XII Workshop on Applications of Scanning Probe Microscopy – STM/AFM 2023, 29.11-3.12.2023, Zakopane, Poland
- Marcin Luty, Ingrid Haga Oevreeide, Renata Szydlak, Bartłomiej Zapotoczny, Victorien Emile Prot, Joanna Pabijan, Joanna Zemła, Bjorn Torger Stokke, Małgorzata Lekka (poster presentation), Comparison of AFM and microfluidics in the analysis of biomechanical properties of cells treated with drugs affecting the cytoskeleton
5th Bio 2023 Conference, 13-16.09.2023, Szczecin, Poland
- Małgorzata Lekka (invited talk), Mechanomarkers of various diseases
The 3rd World Congress of The European Society for Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation The International Society for Clinical Hemorheology The International Society of Biorheology, 27-30.09.2023, Regensburg, Germany)
- Renata Szydlak (oral presentation), Rheological of single cells
The 8th European Nanomanipulation Workshop, 15-17.05.2023, Cracow, Poland
- Joanna Zemła, Ingrid Haga Oevreeide, Renata Szydlak, Marcin Luty, Victorien Emile Prot, Björn Torger Stokke, Małgorzata Lekka (oral presentation), AFM- based rheological characterization of polymeric micro-beads
Nanoengineering for Mechanobiology (N4M) symposium held in Camogli (Italy), 3-7 March 2024
- Joanna Zemła, Marcin Luty, Ingrid Haga Oevreeide, Husain Ahmed, Renata Szydlak, Victorien Emile Prot, Bjorn Torger Stokke, Małgorzata Lekka (poster presentation), Rheological properties of monodiperse alginate microgel beads with a rigid core prepared by microfluidic picoinjection
- M.Lekka – “The use of AFM to detect cancer-related changes in cells“, Aix-Marseille University – INSERM, 16.12.2022, Marseille, France
- J.Zemła – “Rheological properties of tissues and cells as a supplementary method for diagnosis and assessment of therapy effectiveness“, 25.11.2022, Polish Biophysical Society (Lublin)
- M.Lekka – “Biomechanics of living cells and tissues studied by atomic force microscopy” NTNU, 6.04.2022, Trondheim, Norway