Papers 2011 – 2020


  1. G. Pyka-Fościak, J. Zemła, G.J. Lis, J.A. Litwin, M. Lekka – Changes in spinal cord stiffness in the course of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, a mouse model of multiple sclerosis – Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 680 (2020) 108221.
  2. M. Lekka, K.Herman, J.Zemła, L.Bodek, G.Pyka-Fościak, D.Gil, J.Dulińska-Litewka, A.Ptak, P.Laidler – Probing the recognition specificity of αVβ1 integrin and syndecan-4 using force spectroscopy – Micron 137 (2020) 102888.
  3. B.Zapotoczny, F.Braet, E.Wisse, M.Lekka, M.Szymonski – Biophysical nanocharacterization of liver sinusoidal endothelial cells through atomic force microscopy – Biophysical Review 12 (2020) 625.
  4. S.Nastyshyn, J.Raczkowska, Y.Stetsyshyn, B.Orzechowska, A.Bernasik, Y.Shymborska, M.Brzychczy-Włoch, T.Gosiewski, O.Lishchynskyi, H.Ohar, D.Ochońska, K.Awsiuk, A.Budkowski – Non-cytotoxic, temperature-responsive and antibacterial POEGMA based nanocomposite coatings with silver nanoparticles – RSC Advances 10 (2020) 10155.
  5. J.Zemła, J.Bobrowska, K.Pogoda, A.Kubiak, T.Zieliński, J.Pabijan, P.Bobrowski M.Lekka – Indenting soft samples (hydrogels and cells) with cantilevers possessing various shapes of the probing tip – European Biophysics Journal 49 (2020) 485-495.
  6. A.Kopacz, D.Kloska, M.Targosz-Korecka, B.Zapotoczny, D.Cysewski, N.Personnic, E.Werner, K.Hajduk, A.Jozkowicz, A.Grochot-Przeczek – Keap1 governs ageing-induced protein aggregation in endothelial cells – Redox Biology 34 (2020) 101572.
  7. P.N. Osuchowska, P.Wachulak, A.Nowak-Stępniowska, A.Bartnik, K.Gnanachandran, M.Lekka, J.Czwartoś, H.Fiedorowicz, E.A. Trafny – Imaging of cell structural features using optimized soft X-ray contact microscopy – Applied Sciences 10(19) (2020) 6895.
  8. M.Gałdyszyńska, J.Bobrowska, M.Lekka, P.Radwanska, L.Piera, J.Szymanski, J.Drobnik – The stiffness-controlled release of interleukin-6 by cardiac fibroblasts is dependent on integrin α2β1 – Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine 00 (2020) 1-10.
  9. J.Raczkowska, B.Orzechowska, S.Patryas, K.Awsiuk, A.Kubiak, M.Kinoshita, M.Okamoto, J.Bobrowska, T.Stachura, J.Soja, K.Sładek, M.Lekka – Effect of substrate stiffness on physicochemical properties of normal and fibrotic lung fibroblasts – Materials, 13 (2020) 4495.


  1. M.Lekka, J. Pabijan, B.Orzechowska – Morphological and mechanical stability of bladder cancer cells in response to substrate rigidity – Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – General Subjects 1863(2019)1006-1014.
  2. J.L.Pellequer, P.Parot, D.Navajas, S.Kumar, V. Svetličić, S. Scheuring, J. Hu, B. Li, A. Engler, S. Sousa, M.Lekka, M.Szymoński, H. Schillers, M. Odorico, F. Lafont, S. Janel, F. Rico – Fifteen years of Servitude et Grandeur to the application of a biophysical technique in medicine: The tale of AFMBioMed – Journal of Molecular Recognition 32(3)(2019) e2773.
  3. J. Bobrowska, K. Awsiuk, J. Pabijan, P. Bobrowski, J. Lekki, K.M. Sowa, J. Rysz, A. Budkowski, M. Lekka – Biophysical and Biochemical Characteristics as Complementary Indicators of Melanoma Progression – Anal. Chem., 91 (2019) 9885-9892.
  4. N. Bryniarska, A. Kubiak, A. Łabędź-Masłowska, E. Zuba-Surma – Impact of developmental origin, niche mechanics and oxygen availability on osteogenic differentiation capacity of mesenchymal stem/stromal cells – Acta Biochim. Pol., 66 (2019) 491-498.
  5. D. Gil, M. Zarzycka, J. Dulińska-Litewka, D. Ciołczyk-Wierzbicka, M. Lekka, P. Laidler – Dihydrotestosterone increases the risk of bladder cancer in men – Hum. Cell, 32 (2019) 379–389.
  6. K. Herman, M. Weiss, M. Lekka, A. Ptak – How Complex Is the Concanavalin A–Carboxypeptidase Y Interaction? ACS Chem. Biol., 14 (2019) 1611-1618.
  7. J. Nizioł, K. Makyła-Juzak, A. Radko, R. Ekiert, J. Zemła, N. Górska, A. Chachaj-Brekiesz, M. Marzec, H. Harańczyk, P. Dynarowicz-Latka – Linear, self-assembled patterns appearing spontaneously as a result of DNA-CTMA lipoplex Langmuir-Blodgett deposition on a solid surface – Polymer, 178 (2019) 121643.
  8. K. Suchanek, M. Perzanowski, K. Suchy, M. Lekka, B. Szafraniec, M. Marszałek – Assessment of phase stability and in vitro biological properties of hydroxyapatite coatings composed of hexagonal rods – Surf. Coat. Tech., 364 (2019) 298-305.
  9. R. Szydlak, Ma. Majka, M. Lekka, M. Kot, P. Laidler – AFM-based Analysis of Wharton′s Jelly Mesenchymal Stem Cells – Int. J. Mol. Sci., 20 (2019) 4351.


  1. K.Herman, A.Ptak, M.Lekka – Unbinding kinetics of syndecans by single-molecule force spectroscopy – Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 9(2018)1509-1515. IF = 8.334 (45 pkt)
  2. P.S. Iyer, L.Mavoungou, F.Ronzoni, J.Zemla, E.Schmid-Siegert, S.Antonini, O.Dorchies, M.Jaconi, M.Lekka, G.Messina, N.Mermod – Autologous cell therapy approach for Duchenne muscular dystrophy using PiggyBac transposons and mesoangioblasts – Molecular Therapy 26(4)(2018)1093-1108. IF = 6.828 (40 pkt)
  3. J.Zemła, J.Danilkiewicz, B.Orzechowska, J.Pabijan, S. Seweryn, M.Lekka – Atomic force microscopy as a tool for assessing the cellular elasticity and adhesiveness to identify cancer cells and tissues – Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology 3(2018)115-124. IF = 6.124 (40 pkt)
  4. Y.Stetsyshyn, J.Raczkowska, O.Lishchynskyi, K.Awsiuk, J.Zemła, P.Dąbczyński, A.Kostruba, K.Harhay, H.Ohar, B.Orzechowska, Y. Panchenko, A.Budkowski – Glass transition in temperature-responsive poly(butyl metacrylate) grafted polymer brushes. Impact of thickness and temperature on wetting and morphology, cell growth – Journal of Materials Chemistry B 6(2018)1613-1621. IF = 4.587 (35 pkt)
  5. B.Orzechowska, J.Pabijan, J.Wiltowska-Zuber, J.Zemła, M.Lekka – Fibroblasts change spreading capability and mechanical properties in a direct interaction with keratinocytes in conditions mimicking wound healing – Journal of Biomechanics 74(2018)134-142. IF = 3.004 (35 pkt)
  6. J.Zemła, T.Stachura, I.Gross-Sondej, K.Górka, K.Okoń, G.Pyka-Fościak, J.Soja, K.Sładek, M.Lekka – AFM-based nanomechanical characterization of bronchoscopic samples in asthma patients – Journal of Molecular Recognition 31(2018)e2751. IF = 2.175 (25 pkt)
  7. A. Stylianou, M. Lekka, T. Stylianopoulos – AFM assesing of nanomechanical fingerprints for cancer early diagnosis and classification: from single cell to tissue level – Nanoscale 10(2018)20930-20945. IF = 7.233 (40 pkt)
  8. K.Makyła-Juzak, A. Chachaj-Brekiesz, P. Dynarowicz-Łątka, P. Dąbczyński, J. Zemła – The effect of dextran sulfate – as model glycosaminoglycan analogue – on membrane lipids: DPPC, cholesterol and DPPC-cholesterol mixture. The monolayed study – Journal of Membrane Biology 251(2018)641-651. IF = 1.638 (20 pkt)
  9. J. Raczkowska, S. Prauzner-Bechcicki – Discrimination between HCV29 and T24 by controlled proliferation of cells co-cultured on substrates with different elasticity – Journal of Mechanical Behaviour of Biomedical Materials 88(2018)217-222. IF = 3.569 (35 pkt)
  10. S. Prauzner-Bechcicki, J. raczkowska, J. Rysz, J. Wiltowska-Zuber, J. Pabijan, M. Marzec, A. Budkowski, M. Lekka – Adaptability of single melanoma cells to surfaces with distinct hydrophobicity and roughness – Applied Surface Science 457(2018)881-890. IF = 3.743 (35 pkt)
  11. I.U. Ahad, J. Pabijan, K. Pogoda, C. Hughes, A. Bartnik, H. Fiedorowicz, M. Lekka, D. Brabazon – Modification of polymer substrates with extreme ultraviolet – potential applications in cancer cell indetification – Acta Physica Polonica A 133(4)(2018)283–285. IF = 0.540 (15 pkt)


  1. J.Raczkowska, K.Awsiuk, Sz.Prauzner-Bechcicki, J.Pabijan, A.Budkowski, M.Lekka – Patterning of cancerous cells driven by combined modification of mechanical and chemical properties of the substrate – European Polymer Journal 93(2017)726–732. IF = 3.477 (35 pkt)
  2. H.Schillers, C. Rianna, J.Schäpe, T.Luque, H.Doschke, M.Wälte, J.J.Uriarte, N.Campillo, G.P.A.Michanetzis, J.Bobrowska5, A.Dumitru, E.T.Herruzo, S.Bovio, P.Parot, M.Galluzzi, A.Podestà, L.Puricelli, S.Scheuring, Y.Missirlis, R.Garcia, M.Odorico, J.-M.Teulon, F.Lafont, M.Lekka, F.Rico, A.Rigato, J.L.Pellequer, H.Oberleithner, D.Navajas, M.Radmacher – Standardized Nanomechanical Atomic Force Microscopy Procedure (SNAP) for Measuring Soft and Biological Samples – Scientific Reports,7 (2017) 5117. IF = 4.847 (40 pkt)
  3. K.Pogoda, E.Piktel, P. Deptuła, P. B. Savage, M. Lekka, R. Bucki – Stiffening of bacteria cells as a first manifestation of bactericidal attack – Micron 101 (2017) 95-102. IF = 1.913 (30 pkt)
  4. R. Szatanek, M. Baj-Krzyworzeka, M.Lekka, J.Zimoch, M. Siedlar, J.Baran – The methods of choice for extracellular vesicles (EVs) characterization – International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 18 (6) (2017) 1153. IF = 3.213 (35 pkt)
  5. J.Raczkowska, Y.Stetsyshyn, K.Awsiuk, M.Lekka, M.Marzec, K.Harhay, H.Ohar, D.Ostapiv, M.Sharan, I.Yaremchuk, Y.Bodnar, A.Budkowski – Temperature-responsive grafted polymer brushes obtained from renewable sources with potential application as substrates for tissue engineering – Applied Surface Science 407 546-554 (2017). IF = 2.982 (35 pkt)
  6. A. Wedel-Grzenda, A. Frączek-Szczypta, M. Terrones, A.L. Elias, M.Lekka, E.Menaszek, S. Błażewicz – Polysulfone composite membranes modified with two types of carbon additives as a potential material for bone tissue regeneration – Bulletin of Materials Science 40(1) 201-212 (2017). IF = 0.895 (20 pkt)
  7. A.Sobiepanek, M.Milner-Krawczyk, M.Lekka, T. Kobiela – AFM and QCM-D as tools for the distinction of melanoma cells with different metastatic potential – Biosensors and Bioelectronics,93 (2017) 274–281 IF = 6.675 (40 pkt)
  8. J. Raczkowska, Sz.Prazuner-Bechcicki, P. Dąbczyński, R. Szydlak, Elasticity patterns induced by phase-separation in polymer blend films, Thin Solid Films 624, (2017), 181-186. IF = 1.761


  1. J.Bobrowska, J.Moffat, K.Awsiuk, J.Pabijan, J.Rysz, A.Budkowski, M.Reading, M.Lekka – Comparing surface properties of melanoma cells using time of flight secondary ions mass spectrometry – Analyst 141 (2016) 6217-6225. IF = 6.675 (40 pkt)
  2. J.Raczkowska, Sz.Prauzner-Bechcicki, J.Lukes, J.Sepitka, A.Bernasik, K.Awsiuk, C.Paluszkiewicz, J.Pabijan, M.Lekka, A.Budkowski – Physico-chemical properties of PDMS surfaces suitable as substrates for cell cultures, Applied Surface Science389(2016) 47-254. IF = 2.561 (35 pkt)
  3. J.Bobrowska, J.Pabijan, J.Wiltowska-Zuber, B.R.Jany, F.Krok, K.Awsiuk, J.Rysz, A.Budkowski, M.Lekka – Data on step-by-step atomic force microscopy monitoring of changes occurring in single melanoma cells undergoing ToF SIMS specialized sample preparation protocol – Data in Brief 8 (2016) 1322-1332. IF = 0
  4. J.Bobrowska, J.Pabijan, J.Wiltowska-Zuber, B.R.Jany, F.Krok, K.Awsiuk, J.Rysz, A.Budkowski, M.Lekka – Protocol of single cells preparation for time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry – Analytical Biochemistry 511(2016) 52-60. IF = 2.474 (25 pkt)
  5. M.K.Ayele, J.Czwatoś, D.Adjei, P.Wachulska, I.U.Ahad, A.Bartnik, Ł.Wegrzynski, M.Szczurek, R.Jarocki, H.Fiedorowicz, M.Lekka, K.Pogoda, J.Gostek – Contact Microscopy using a compact laser produced plasma soft X-ray source – Acta Physica Polonica B, 129 (2) (2016) 237-240. IF = 0.540 (15 pkt)
  6. M.Lekka – Discrimination between normal and cancerous cells using AFM – BioNanoScience, 6(1) (2016) 65-80. IF = 0 (0 pkt)
  7. J. Raczkowska, Sz. Prazuner-Bechcicki, Precise positioning of cancerous cells on PDMS substrates with gradients of elasticity, Biomedical Microdevices 18, (2016), 1- 8. IF = 2.227
  8. J. Raczkowska, Sz. Prazuner-Bechcicki, Precise positioning of cancerous cells on PDMS substrates with gradients of elasticity, Biomedical Microdevices 18, (2016).
  9. A.Zdunek, A.Kozioł, J.Cybulska, M.Lekka, P.M.Pieczywek – The stiffness increase of the cell wall observed during physiological softening of pears – Planta 243 (2016)519-529. IF = 3.263 (40 pkt)


  1. A.Kulik, M.Lekka, K.Lee, G. Pyka-Fościak, W.Nowak – Probing fibronectin-antibody interactions using AFM force spectroscopy and lateral force microscopy – Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 6 (2015) 1164-1175. IF = 2.571 (30 pkt)
  2. J.Gostek, J.Pabijan, K.Awsiuk, J.Rysz, A.Budkowski, M.Lekka – Differentiation of human bladder cells using PCA analysis of ToF-SIMS mass spectra – Analytical Chemistry 88(6) (2015) 3195-3201. IF = 5.966 (45 pkt)
  3. J.Gostek, Sz.Prauzner-Bechcicki, B.Nimmervoll, K.Mayr, J.Pabijan, P.Hinterdorfer, L.A.Chtcheglova, M.Lekka – Nano-characterization of two closely related melanoma cell lines with different metastatic potential – European Biophysics Journal 44 (2015)49-55. IF = 2.237 (20 pkt)
  4. Sz.Prauzner-Bechcicki, J.Raczkowska, E.Madej, J.Pabijan, J.Rysz, K.Awsiuk, A.Bernasik, A.Budkowski, M.Lekka – PDMS substrate stiffness affects the morphology and growth profiles of cancerous prostate and melanoma cells – Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 41 13-22 (2015). IF = 3.487 (35 pkt)


  1. K.Pogoda, L.Chin, P.C.Georges, F.J.Byfield, R.Bucki, R.Kim, M.Weaver, R.G.Wells, C.Marcinkiewicz, P.A.Janmey, Compression stiffening of brain and its effect on mechanosensing by glioma cells, New J. Phys. 16:075002 (2014).
  2. A. Chopra, M. Murray, F. Byfield, M. Mendez, R. Halleluyan, D. Restle, D. Raz-Ben Aroush, P. Galie, K. Pogoda, R. Bucki, C. Marcinkiewicz, G. Prestwich, T. Zarembinski, Ch. Chen, E. Puré, J. Yasha Kresh, P. Janmey – Augmentation of integrin-mediated mechanotransduction by hyaluronic acid, Biomaterials 35(1) 71-82 (2014).
  3. A. Mzyk, R. Major, M. Kot, J. Gostek, P. Wilczek, B. Major – Chemical control of polyelectrolyte film properties for an effective cardiovascular implants endothelialization, Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering (2014) 14(2) 262-268.
  4. J.Augustynowicz, M.Lekka, P.Wrobel – The influence of Cr on elastic properties of aquatic phytoremediator Callitriche cophocarpa – Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 36 (2014) 2025-2032. IF = 1.732 (25 pkt)
  5. R.van Zwieten, S.Puttini, M.Lekka, G.Witz, E.Gicquel-Zouida, I.Richard, J.A.Lobrinus, F.Chevalley, H.Brune, G.Dietler, A.Kulik, T.Kuntzer, N.Mermod – Assesing dystrophies and other muscle diseases at nanometer scale by atomic force microscopy – Nanomedicine 9(4) (2014) 393-406. IF = 5.966 (40 pkt)
  6. J.R. Ramos, J.Szlagor, R.Garcia, M.Lekka – The softening of human bladder cancer cells happens at an early stage of the malignancy process – Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 5 (2014) 447-457. IF = 2.571 (30 pkt)
  7. I.Dulińska-Molak, M.Pasikowska, K.Pogoda, M.Lewandowska, I.Eris, M.Lekka, K.J.K. Kurzydłowski – Age-related changes in the mechanical properties of human fibroblasts and its prospective reversal after anti-wrinkle tripeptide treatment – Int. J. Pept. Res. Ther. (2014) 20 77-85. IF = 0.937 (15 pkt)


  1. S.Puttini, R.van Zwieten, D.Saugy, M.Lekka, F.Hogger, A.J.Kulik, N.Mermod – MAR-mediated integration of plasmid vectors for in vivo gene transfer and regulation – BMC Molecular Biology 14 (2013) 26 (12 pages).IF = 3.460 (30 pkt)
  2. I.Dulińska-Molak, M.Lekka, K.J.Kurzydłowski – Surface properties of polyurethane composites for biomedical applications – Applied Surface Science 270 (2013) 553-560. IF = 2.496 (35 pkt);
  3. T.Kobiela, K.Leleń, M.Stepulak, M.Lekka, M.Malejczyk, J.Arct, S.Majewski, The influence of surfactants and hydrolized proteins on keratinocytes viability and elasticity – Skin Research and Technology 19(1) (2013) e200-e208. IF = 1.915 (30 pkt)


  1. M.Lekka – A tip for cancer diagnosis –Nature Nanotechnology 7 (2012) 691-692. (News and Views). IF = 38.586 (50 pkt)
  2. B.Staniewicz-Brudnik, M.Lekka, E.Bak, K.Wodnicka, T.Miller, W.Wilk – Biocomposites with submicrocrystalline sintered corundum and bioglass system as a substrates and their structural and physical properties. Short- and long- term culture of the fibroblast human skin on these substrate – Optica Applicata, 62(2) (2012) 387-397. IF = 0.558 (15 pkt)
  3. I.Dulinska-Molak, M.Lekka, M.Lewandowska, K.J.Kurzydlowski, M.Pasikowska, B.Tyszczuk, I.Eris – Atomic force microscopy characterization of corneocytes – Polish Journal of Cosmetology, 15(1) (2012) 50-57. IF = 0;
  4. A.Budkowski, J.Zemla, E.Moons, K.Awsiuk, J.Rysz, A.Bernasik, C.M.Björström-Svanström, M.Lekka, J.Jaczewska Polymer Blends Spin-cast into Films with Complementary Elements for Electronics and Biotechnology– Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 125(6) (2012) 4275-4284. IF = 1.635 (25 pkt)
  5. E.Senkara-Barwijuk, T.Kobiela, K.Lebed, M.Lekka Reaction pathway and free energy profile determined for specific recognition of oligosaccharide moiety of carboxypeptidase Y, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 36 (2012) 103-109. IF = 6.054 (40 pkt)
  6. Sz.Prazuner-Bechcicki, J.Wiltowska-Zuber, A.Budkowski, M.Lekka, J.Rysz – Implementation of NSOM to biological samples – Acta Phys. Pol. A, 121(2) 2012 533-538; IF = 0.511 (15 pkt);
  7. M.Lekka, D.Gil, K.Pogoda, J.Dulinska-Litewka, R.Jach, J.Gostek, O.Klymenko, Sz.Prauzner-Bechcicki, Z.Stachura, J.Wiltowska-Zuber, K.Okon, P.Laidler – Cancer cell detection in tissue sections using AFM – Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 518 (2012) 151-156. IF = 3.525 (30 pkt)
  8. M.Lekka, K.Pogoda, J.Gostek, O.Klymenko, Sz.Prauzner-Bechcicki, J.Wiltowska-Zuber, J.Jaczewska, J.Lekki, Z.Stachura – Cancer cell recognition – mechanical phenotype– Micron 43 (2012) 1259–1266. IF = 1.913 (30 pkt)
  9. K.Pogoda, J.Jaczewska, J.Wiltowska-Zuber, O.Klymenko, K.Zuber, M.Fornal, M.Lekka – AFM depth-sensing analysis of cytoskeleton organization in fibroblasts – Eur. Biophys. J., 41 (2012) 79-87. IF = 2.337 (20 pkt);
  10. K.Pierzchala, M.Lekka, A.Magrez, A.J. Kulik, L.Forro, A.Sienkiewicz Photocatalytic and phototoxic properties of TiO2–based nanofilaments: ESR and AFM assays – Nanotoxicology, 6(8) (2012), 813¬-824. IF = 7.766 (45 pkt);
  11. J.Zemla, A.Budkowski, J.Rysz, J.Raczkowska, M.Lekka – Reverse contrast and substructures in protein micro-patterns on 3D polymer surfaces – Coll. Surf. B: Biointerf., 90 (2012) 144-151. IF =4.226 (35 pkt)


  1. A.Niedźwiecka, M.Lekka, P.Nilsson, A.Virtanen – Global architecture of human poly(A)-specific ribonuclease by atomic force microscopy in liquid and dynamic light scattering – Biophys. Chem., 158 (2011) 141-149. IF =2.145 (20 pkt)
  2. M.Lekka, D.Gil, W.Dąbroś, J.Jaczewska, Z.Stachura, A.J.Kulik, J.Lekki, J.Stachura, P.Laidler – Characterization of N-cadherin unbinding properties in non-malignant (HCV29) and malignant (T24) bladder cells – J. Mol. Recognit., 24 (2011) 833-842. IF =2.483 (20 pkt)