Biennial PhDiaFusion Summer School of Plasma Diagnostics

The PhDiaFusion  Summer School is a scientific event organized jointly by the Institute for Magnetic Fusion Research (IRFM) CEA and Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences (IFJ PAN). The School is addressed to undergraduate, graduate and PhD students with their tutors. It is held in a spirit of “master and apprentice” approach. Lectures supported by hands-on tutorials are given by eminent world-class experts in the field of plasma physics. PhD students have an opportunity to present their recent work and achievements. The best students’ contributions are awarded.

Logo of phdia fusion school.

PhDiaFusion 2021:Neutrons diagnostics development for ITER, DEMO and IFMIF-DONES

On September 20-24, 2021, the international conference “Summer School of Plasma
Diagnostics: PhDiaFusion 2021″ was held. In 2021,
the fourth edition under the motto: “Neutron diagnostics development for ITER, DEMO and
IFMIF-DONES” was devoted to neutron diagnostics dedicated to the ITER and DEMO
reactors under construction and design, as well as the IFMIF-DONES neutron source
The event was organized in a hybrid form, the sessions took place at the Royal Castle in
Niepołomice while part of the presentations (about ¼) took place remotely. The opening
ceremony of the conference and a welcoming word was given by Prof. Bogdan Fornal, the
Scientific Director at IFJ PAN. We also had the honor of hosting Prof. Jean-Luc Schneider –
Attaché for Science and University Cooperation of the French Embassy in Poland, who
presented a lecture highlighting the importance of existing Polish-French cooperation and
presented ideas and tools that this cooperation can facilitate and deepen.
The conference was attended by 44 people (from 7 European countries), including 20 students
and doctoral students, who presented the results of their work in short speeches. A total of 30
papers were presented, and the 4 best speeches by young scientists were awarded with
distinctions and books sponsored by SPRINGER Publishing. The winner of the third prize
was KISD PhD student Mr. Jedrzej Walkowiak.
In the international group of young people, a nice touch was the presence of a large group of
students and doctoral students of the Technical University of Lodz, taking their first steps in
research work for the ITER reactor. It is hoped that Polish participation in this world’s largest
ITER project will gain young specialists.

Group photo of phdia fuion 2019 participants
Poster of Phdia Fusion 2019

Group photo of phdia fuion 2017 participants
Poster of Phdia Fusion 2017

Group photo of phdia fuion 2015 participants
Poster of Phdia Fusion 2015