Ważniejsze publikacje pracowników Zakładu Fizyki Radiacyjnej i Dozymetrii w roku 2016:

  1. T. Berger, B. Przybyla, D. Matthiä, G. Reitz, S. Burmeister, J. Labrenz, P. Bilski, T. Horwacik, A. Twardak, M. Hajek, M. Fugger, C Hofstätter, L. Sihver, J. K. Palfalvi, J. Szabo, A. Stradi, I. Ambrozova, J. Kubancak, K. Pachnerova Brabcova, F. Vanhavere, V. Cauwels, O. Van Hoey, W. Schoonjans, A. Parisi, R. Gaza, E. Semones, E. G. Yukihara, E. R. Benton, B. A. Doull, Y. Uchihori, S. Kodaira, H. Kitamura, M. Boehme. DOSIS & DOSIS 3D: long-term dose monitoring onboard the Columbus Laboratory of the International Space Station (ISS) J. Space Weather Space Clim. 6 (2016) A39;
  2. P. Bilski, D. Matthia, T. Berger. Influence of cosmic radiation spectrum and its variation on the relative efficiency of LiF thermoluminescent detectors – Calculations and measurements Radiat. Meas. 88 (2016) 33-40;
  3. P.-A. Douissard, T. Martin, F. Riva, Y. Zorenko, T. Zorenko, K. Paprocki, A. Fedorov, P. Bilski, A. Twardak. Epitaxial growth of LuAG:Ce and LuAG:Ce,Pr films and their scintillation properties IEEE T. Nucl. Sci. 63 (2016) 1726-1732;
  4. J. Gajewski, M. Kłosowski, P. Olko. Two-dimensional thermoluminescence dosimetry system for proton beam quality assurance Radiat. Meas. 90 (2016) 224-227;
  5. V. Gorbenko, Yu Zorenko, T. Zorenko, T. Voznyak, K. Paprocki, K. Fabisiak, A. Fedorov, P. Bilski, A. Twardak, G. Zhusupkalieva. Luminescent and scintillation properties of the Pr3+ doped single crystalline films of Lu3Al5−xGaxO12 Radiat. Meas. 90 (2016) 183-187;
  6. E. A. Jakubowska, M.A. Gryziński, N. Golnik, P. Tulik, L. Stolarczyk, T. Horwacik, K. Zbroja, Ł. Góra. Ambient dose equivalent measurements in secondary radiation fields at proton therapy facility CCB IFJ PAN in Krakow using recombination chambers Nukleonika 61 (2016) 23-28;
    Open Access
  7. D. Kulig (Wróbel), W. Gieszczyk, P. Bilski, B. Marczewska, M. Kłosowski. Thermoluminescence and optically stimulated luminescence studies on LiMgPO4 crystallized by micro pulling down technique Radiat. Meas. 85 (2016) 88-92;
  8. D. Kulig (Wróbel), W. Gieszczyk, P. Bilski, B. Marczewska, M. Kłosowski. New OSL detectors based on LiMgPO4 crystals grown by micro pulling down method. Dosimetric properties vs. growth parameters Radiat. Meas. 90 (2016) 303-307;
  9. V. Laguta, Y. Zorenko, V. Gorbenko, A. Iskaliyeva, Y. Zagorodniy, O. Sidletskiy, P. Bilski, A. Twardak, M. Nikl. Aluminum and Gallium Substitution in Yttrium and Lutetium Aluminum–Gallium Garnets: Investigation by Single-Crystal NMR and TSL Methods J. Phys. Chem. C 120 (2016) 24400-408;
    Open Access
  10. E. Mandowska, A. Mandowski, A. Bluszcz, G. Adamiec, P. Bilski, B. Marczewska, A. Chruścińska, K. Przegiętka. Nowe metody stymulacji optycznej dla czytnika TL/OSL Jupiter Przegląd Elektrotechniczny 92 (2016) 62-65;
    Open Access
  11. B. Marczewska, P. Bilski, D. Wróbel, M. Kłosowski. Investigations of OSL properties of LiMgPO4:Tb,B based dosimeters Radiat. Meas. 90 (2016) 265-268;
  12. M. Sądel, P. Bilski, J. Swakoń. Evaluation of the relative TL efficiency of the thermoluminescent detectors to heavy charged particles Rad. Prot. Dosim. 168 (2016) 27–32;
  13. Yu. Zorenko, V. Gorbenko, Ja. Vasylkiv, T. Strzyżewski, A. Fedorov, R. Kucerkova, J.A. Mares, M. Nikl, P. Bilski, A. Twardak. Growth and luminescent properties of scintillators based on the single crystalline films of (Lu,Gd)3(Al,Ga)5O12:Ce garnets J. Lumin. 169 (2016) 828-837;
  14. Y. Zorenko, V. Gorbenko, T. Zorenko, K. Paprocki, M. Nikl, J.A. Mares, P. Bilski, A. Twardak, O. Sidletskiy, I. Gerasymov, B. Grinyov, A. Fedorov. Scintillating Screens Based on the Single Crystalline Films of Multicomponent Garnets: New Achievements and Possibilities IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 60 No. 2 (2016) 497 – 502;
  15. Y. Zorenko, V. Gorbenko, T. Zorenko, A. Banaszak, L. Mosińska, K. Paprocki, Ya Zhydachevskii, A. Suchocki, P. Bilski, A. Twardak, A. Fedorov. Luminescent and scintillation properties of YAG:Dy and YAG:Dy,Ce single crystalline films Radiat. Meas. 90 (2016) 308-313;
  16. Yu. Zorenko, V. Gorbenko, T. Zorenko, T. Voznyak, A. Voloshynovskii, V. Vistovskiy, K. Paprocki, L. Mosińska, P. Bilski, A. Twardak, A. Fedorov, M. Nikl, J.A. Mares. Luminescent and scintillation properties of Sc3+ and La3+ doped Y2SiO5 powders and single crystalline films J. Lumin. 179 (2016) 445-450;
  17. Y. Zorenko, V. Gorbenko, T. Zorenko, K. Paprocki, P. Bilski, A. Twardak, T. Voznyak, O. Sidletskiy, Y. Gerasimov, B. Gryniov, A. Fedorov Composition engineering of single crystalline films based on the multicomponent garnet compounds Opt. Mat. 61 (2016) 3-10;

< 2016 >