Ważniejsze publikacje pracowników Zakładu Fizyki Radiacyjnej i Dozymetrii w 2023 roku

  1. V. Chumak, Y. Zhydachevskyy, V. Voloskyi, E. Bakhanova, V. Stasiv, W. Gieszczyk, S. Ubizskii, M. Berkowski, A. Suchocki. Experimental validation of energy dependences of YALO3:Mn TL detectors: irradiation to ISO radiation qualities Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 199 (2023 1696-1699;
  2. W. Gieszczyk, A Mrozik, P. Bilski, Yu. Zorenko, S. Witkiewicz-Łukaszek, S. Świontek, M. Środa. Luminescence and energy-storage properties of Pr+3-doped YAlO3 crystals. J. Lumin. 258 (2023) 119814;
    Open Access
  3. A. Majewski-Napierkowski, W. Gieszczyk, A. Mrozik , S. Witkiewicz-Lukaszek, T. Zorenko, K. Bartosiewicz, P. Bilski, Yu. Zorenko. Luminescent properties of Gd1.4Lu0.1Y1.5Al5O12:Ce and Ga3Ga2.7Al2.3O12 single crystals crown by micro-pulling down technique J. Lumin. 263 (2023) 120117;
  4. B. Popanda, J. Grolik, W. Gieszczyk, M. Środa. Effect of the sol-gel condition on photostability and optical properties of alkoxy-substituted zinc phthalocyanine in the hybrid glass matrix. Dyes Pigm. 213 (2023) 111142;
  5. M. Port, (A. Mrozik) et al. RENEB Inter-Laboratory Comparison 2021: Inter-Assay Comparison of Eight Dosimetry Assays Radiat. Res. 199 (2023) 535–555;
    Open Access
  6. M. Sankowska, P. Bilski, B. Marczewska, Ya. Zhydachevskyy. Influence of Elevated Temperature on Color Centers in LiF Crystals and Their Photoluminescence Materials 16 (2023) 1489;
    Open Access
  7. M. Sądel, L. Grzanka, J.Swakoń, J. Baran, J. Gajewski, P. Bilski. Optically Stimulated Luminescent Response of the LiMgPO4 Silicone Foils to Protons and Its Dependence on Proton Energy. Materials 16 (2023) 1978;
    Open Access
  8. D. Wrobel , T. Kowalski , S. Kusyk , B. Marczewska ,T. Nowak, P. Olko, J. Swakon. Application of LiMgPO4 crystal for proton beam quality control in radiotherapy Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 199 (2023)

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