The research activities of the Department of Radiation Physics and Dosimetry are related mainly to the phenomenon of stimulated luminescence and its application for measurements of ionizing radiation doses. The speciality of our group is thermoluminescence, which has been studied and used in dosimetric measurements at the IFJ already in the mid-sixties of the twentieth century. The developed at the IFJ thermoluminescent detectors based on lithium fluoride are the standard of thermoluminescent dosimetry. In recent years, more and more attention is paid to optically stimulated luminescence and radiophotoluminescence. The Department of Radiation Physics and Dosimetry conducts also research aimed at finding new luminescent materials, including crystal growth with micro pulling down and Czochralski methods. An important part of our work is the development of new measuring techniques and the use of thermoluminescent detectors in dosimetry of complex radiation fields, e.g.cosmic rays in the Earth orbit, radiation in the tunnels of the LHC at CERN or radiation around the JET tokamak.
A video presenting selected research issues of the Department of Radiation Physics and Dosimetry can be viewed here (only in Polish)