AMICI - Accelerator and Magnet Infrastructure for Cooperation and Innovation (2017-2020)
Project coordinator at DAI:
Karol Kasprzak
DAI employees involved in the project:
Engineers: Dariusz Bocian, Michał Duda, Jaromir Ludwin, Zenon Sułek, Adrian Szeliga, Jacek Świerblewski, Damian Wojas
The AMICI project is to engage the Technological Infrastructure, which is currently dedicated to European science-based accelerators and large SC magnets with a new, efficient and sustainable collaboration/production model by means of Cooperation and Innovation.
Cooperation would trigger a transition towards a collaborative model, where a network of technological infrastructures can be established across research laboratories with a long-term vision for the technological needs of future Research Infrastructures, providing a common strategy and stronger collaborative relationships, with harmonization of their scopes and methods.
Closer collaboration during the innovative stage of technical development would wipe away the specialization between research laboratories and industry by promoting a partnership model in which the access to their technological infrastructures would be more open, and their R&D and production tools would be shared to promote societal applications and potential business markets for accelerator and SC magnet technologies.
By establishing an open Technological Infrastructure with European industry and SMEs, research laboratories would enhance the competence of their industrial partners by training personnel and sharing know-how to increase the impact of industry for the construction of future Research Infrastructures.
The AMICI is supported by 10 Research Laboratories (CEA, CERN, DESY, INFN, IFJ PAN, CNRS, STFC, UU, PSI, KIT) who have contributed and are presently contributing to the construction of Research Infrastructures in Europe and overseas. Sharing the above vision, they recognize the long-term objective as a strategic undertaking for supporting their future development within the evolution and progress of European accelerator and SC magnet based science, and for the benefit and progress of society through accelerator and SC magnet technology.
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Last modification date: 18/2/2020